Saturday, January 30, 2016

My Connections to Play

When Your Child Comes Home Messy 

Red paint in the hair? Blue paint on the jeans? Sand in the shoes? Peanut butter on a favorite shirt? White socks that look brown? Sleeves a bit damp?


worked with a friend

solved a problem
created a masterpiece
negotiated a difference
learned a new skill
had a great time
developed new language skills


feel lonely

become bored
do repetitive tasks that are too babyish
do worksheets that are too easy
do sit down work that is discouraging


paid good money for those clothes

Will have trouble getting the red paint out
are concerned the caregiver isn't paying enough attention to your child


was aware of your child's special needs and interests

spent time planning a challenging activity for the children
encouraged the children to try new things
was worried you might be concerned

Young children really learn when they are actively involved in play.....not when someone is talking to them. There is a difference between "messy" and "lack of care." Your caregiver made sure your child was fed, warm, offered new skills and planned messy fun things to do because that's how young children learn!
Send your child in clothes that can get dirty! Keep extra old clothes at the site for times when the child gets really messy. But remember, young children need time to be kids.
~author unknown

Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn.

O. Fred Donaldson
Contemporary American martial arts master

Toys that I was most found of during my early childhood years were all types of dolls, housekeeping toys, paper dolls, coloring books, story books, playing my toy piano, riding my trike/bike, and such. I enjoyed water coloring and playing with dough. I loved to pretend play most of all. My friends or siblings and I often played house, school, beauty parlor, grocery store, cowboys and Indians, GI Joe, and such. We lived fantasies through our paper dolls.  We also played outdoor games such as drop the handkerchief, mother may I, 1-2-3 redlight, chase, hide and seek, red rover, hula hoop games, jump rope, soft ball, roller bat, and a basketball game called H-O-R-S-E. Our parents often played with us. My mother and father taught me to play many of the games I so enjoyed playing as a child at home, in my neighborhood, and during recess at school. Times were very different during my childhood. Technology as we know today did not exist. We used our imagination and we actively played. My mother did not work; she  cared for our home and family. My father worked, however, back then, companies and businesses closed on Sunday. The town stores and offices also closed at 6 pm daily. Families seemed to spend more time together working and playing. There seemed to be a stronger focus on family and I believe life moved at a slower pace. Today, in most families, both parents work. The work week is now 6-7 days and there is no down time. Everyone seems to be busy juggling various schedules and moving in different directions. Life moves at a much faster pace for most.  Educational policy now has a stronger focus on standards, accountability, and high stakes testing, so recess is disappearing. There is less time for purposeful play and when you consider technology, it is easier to let television, computerized games/media, and the internet entertain and teach our children many of the skills that children learned through play in the past. Play as I experienced it and have described is becoming something found only  in the past. Today's children are missing out on enjoyable play experiences that build imagination, creativity, social/emotional, and cognitive skills while fostering their overall positive health and well-being. We are already seeing the unfortunate consequences through a rise in  health and obesity problems, problems with social/emotional skills, language skills, and cognitive issues in many children. It is time that parents and educators recognize the importance of purposeful , imaginative and creative play and put in back into the lives of children.  

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Relationships Reflection

As I reflect upon my current relationships, I can identify several that are important to me and they are central to my life, happiness, and overall well-being.  Currently, my relationships include my experiences and interactions with God, my children, my brother and sister-in-law, my friends, and those that are part of my professional life such as my director, co-workers, parents, and children in my classroom.  Even though we do not always agree, I cannot imagine my life without these relationships.  They each play a role in shaping the person that I am and who I want to be as I grow.
I find unconditional love, peace, and joy in my relationship with my Lord and Savior even in troublesome times.  As I pray and read his word, I always find comfort, purpose, direction, guidance, and encouragement.  In my relationship with my children, I find love, trust, respect, purpose, and encouragement.  I find that I am needed.  Even though they are grown, they are my world and I strive to be a good example for them while respecting their right to live their own life.  The relationship between my brother and his wife is one of support, encouragement, and family dinners and celebrations.  We each know we can call on each other and that each will be there, this holds true for my children.  My relationship with my present friends is one of getting together to just relax, fellowship, and enjoy ourselves.  I recently lost my best friend to cancer.  For years, we shared secrets, tears, laughter, and saw each other through some hard times.  I really miss her.  In my professional relationships- director, co-workers, and parents, we have a partnership committed to fostering the positive development of the infants in my classroom.  Just yesterday, I had a first time mom tell me as we were talking about her son meeting developmental milestones early, “ I also want my son (he’s 7 months old) to grow up to be a good man.  I want him to have good manners, be gentle, kind, respectful, and a good husband and daddy.  I need you all to help me accomplish this too.  What can I do at home?”  This really touched director, as well as my co-workers and me.  

A relationship is a connection, association, or involvement.  Relationships can be positive or negative, build one up, or tear one down; they can create or destroy.  I have learned that healthy relationships are built and maintained through reciprocal interactions, communication,  experiences, trust, respect, dedication, and commitment.  A degree of loyalty in some relationships is required.  Relationships are not always easy and can come to an end.  Relationships have to be worked at and those involved have to work at it together.  
youngest daughter on right
middle daughter and her family

middle son and his family
oldest daughter and her family
youngest son