Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Research Around the World

I chose to explore the Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) which was developed by and is maintained by the University of Victoria, Canada. This virtual university is the international gateway for early childhood research worldwide. Through the link below, you can access ECDVU’s Sub-Saharan Africa portal. The second link provides a list of current early childhood research conducted by students in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The links are:
Some of the current international research topics listed on the website are related to school-parent relationships, early childhood needs and quality care, involving fathers in early care and education, assessing school readiness, curriculum development, teacher training and education, parent education, and Indigenous studies to name a few. What I noticed these topics for research are universal and relating issues are experienced throughout the world. The research topics listed  are final major projects and theses of master early childhood students. In all honesty, I did not gain any surprising facts, insights, ideas from exploring this website. It is a virtual online university dedicated to further developing African ECD leadership capacity as a key strategy in support of child, family and community well-being and broader social and economic development and committed to improving the quality of life for children and their families in SSA. I did not find any other noteworthy information other than the fact there is a coomon thread around the globe related to ECE professionals and organizations comittment to children and families. We have spent so much time here at Walden, exploring international websites that I have come to realize that the issues related to the early childhood field and research topics are universal around the globe.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. It's interesting to see and read about how Africa supports and does research and how different it is from how the United States does it. One of the major research topics you mentioned is related to school parent relationships and that is an important topic to research in the early childhood field and a lot can be gathered from that.
