Saturday, April 23, 2016

Rekindling Passion

As I reflect upon my learning from contact with several international and national ECE organizations, I realize that I have a heightened awareness of issues and trends in the early childhood field, which are universal around the globe. Many of the issues were concerning and rekindled my passion to make a positive difference in the lives of children and families; thus, creating a brighter world. I have grown personally and professionally in my understanding of the impact of the various issues and trends on children’s development and the need to address the issues through best practices and legislative/policy changes, as well as an understanding of recommendations including possible unintended consequences. I am finding myself more motivated to work toward addressing issues related to quality, excellence, and equity in early childhood education in my work with young children and families, in advocating for policy and legislative changes at the State and National level, and by inspiring others to do the same locally, nationally, and globally.

Heightened Awareness • Personal/Professional Growth • Motivation


 My goals are to develop global connections with professionals in the early childhood with the purpose of collaborating to create a heightened global awareness of issues and trends while fostering professional/personal growth.  This will motivate  myself and other ECE educators/professionals to address issues related to quality, excellence and equity in early childhood education in their work with young children and families, and to  advocate for policy and legislative changes that will encourage “all” children, families, and communities across our nation and around the globe to thrive and reach their unique potential.

 As another aspect of our journey closes this week, I would like to thank each of my colleagues and Dr. Shephard for your support, encouragement, and the insight you have shared. It has been enlightening and a pleasure. As we move forward on our journey, I wish everyone continued success. See you in the next course and happy blogging!


  1. Hello Sheila i must say that i completely agree with you that many of the issues that are found internationally wihti the Early Childhood Educational feild is what motivates and rekindles the passion of tryig oto make a difference within the educational system. Was there a specific country that you have explored? and found a major issue that you thought definately needs some attention to right away?
    what was your first initial thpught when you very first explored educational issues within this country or state? I must say that personally when i explored educational issues wihtin Jamamica West Indies, i thought wow the people within the United States of America are very lucky. Though we do have issues wihtinthe Early Childhood Educational field, i must say it is not as bad as what i have explored. I do wish you the best of luck within your educational endeavor!
    Michelle Millwood

  2. Shelia,
    I have truly enjoyed sharing this educational journey with you. I am glad that your thoughts of a quality education have been expanded. I have been truly inspired by your weekly blog posts! I hope that your transition through this Master's program is successful!
