Friday, March 4, 2016

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

First, I would like to say that I am very much looking forward to communicating with early childhood educators from around the world. Also, if anyone knows an early childhood educator in another country that would like to network, please let me know.  I found the following addresses for possible contacts at through internet search using Google and the   resources provided in Blackboard. I have emailed each of them but I have not received any replies. If I have not received replies in a few days, I may need to explore the alternative assignment.

The National Early Childhood Development Alliance
Mr. Eric Atmore
P.O. Box 2363
Clarinch, 7740
South Africa
Tel: 27 21 683 2420


Part 2
Since I work with infants/toddlers and their families, I choose to study the website and resources at  Zero To Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families retrieved from (May have to use )
(Newsletters: and I have signed up to receive their newsletter. If anyone can offer any suggestions regarding locating someone in the field from another country, feel free to share.



  1. Hello again Sheila!
    One of the things I love about reading my colleagues blogs is the varied way we all complete the assignment - I didn't even think to include any potential contact information! :) I suppose I missed that little detail in the instructions; ah well, there is still a learning curve ;-).
    Looking forward to following your thoughts,

  2. Shelia,

    I too, am excited about communicating with other Early Childhood educators in other parts of the world. It will be quite exciting to discover differences too. Hope that you can here from the representatives that you tried to reach.


  3. Hello Sheila,
    I kin dof find it to be very fascinating that people such as you and i have gotton the opportunity to play such a huge role within children's live and to actually make a difference within society. I myself have emailed a few places internationally with the expectation to create a open lin eof communication with other professional educators throughout the world. I have great expectations that this will further expand our knowledge and brighten our curiosity with new and interesting idead and ways of teaching n=and communicating more effecient with children. What is your opinion on this concept? do you think that by reaaching out an dcommunicating with different parts of the world that this experience will advance your knowledge as an professional educator?
    Michelle MIllwood

    my blog link is

  4. Hello Sheila, first I wanted to say that I love your introduction about yourself on your blog. The places you selected are very interesting. I am looking forward to what information you find out too. I am also waiting for my contacts to respond to my emails. Best of luck to you in receiving information from your contacts!

  5. Hey Shelia,

    I am very interest in the places that you have selected. I am excited about the responses that you are going to receive from the countries. I am waiting on the responses from Nigeria and Rwanda. I am pleased to learn more about your early childhood experiences and how we can elaborate on our various findings. Good luck with your correspondence!!

  6. Hi Sheila,

    I enjoyed reading your blog entry it helped me a lot. I was wondering how to contact more professionals I was not sure if I was emailing the right people, but I will also google search and hope that one of the contacts I emailed contact me back soon. I chose the Uk and South Africa. It will be amazing to connect with professionals in a different country I am excited as well. Good luck with everything!

  7. In my search for building international contacts, have only received one reply from Singapore out of 12 sent around the Globe. Most of them came back as undeliverable. I will be moving on to the alternate assignment.
