Friday, September 25, 2015

Words of Wisdom and Motivation

Dr. Edward Zigler is a leader in the field of applied developmental psychology. He served on the committee that planned the Head Start Program. He was also the federal official responsible for Head Start during President Nixon’s administration and has advised every administration since its beginning (Laureate Media, n.d.)

In an interview conducted by Perkins-Gough (2007), Edward Zigler gives this piece of advice, “In the good years, work very hard to win everything that's possibly winnable. In the bad years, work just as hard to keep your losses to a minimum.  There are good times, and there are bad times. But you have to stay in the game” (p. 14). For more than 50 years, he has advocated for universal preschool education and high quality early childhood education programs. As early childhood educators, it is imperative that we never give up on the children and families we work with. Even when it feels like we are losing the game, we must stay in the game and keep trying.

Marcy Whitebook, Ph.D., has taught in early childhood programs for many years, and served as the Executive Director of the Washington-based Center for the Child Care Workforce (CCW), which she founded.  She began the organization in 1977 as the Child Care Employee Project. She also established the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment in 1999 at Berkley. She is a researcher and advocate who focus on issues of employment in settings for young children, the relationship between good jobs and the quality of services available to children and families, and appropriate and accessible professional preparation for teachers.

 In a speech she gave to the U.S. Department of Education (2010) she states, “No single ingredient -- preparation, support or reward -- stands on its own and reform is needed across all three -- the very areas where we shortchange the early learning workforce and thus the children they serve” (p.4).
She advocates, “Transforming how we prepare, support, and reward the ECE workforce is essential to building a high quality early care and education system. Providing educators with appropriate educational opportunities, creating supportive work environments and compensating them appropriately are all critical components of the solution” (Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, 2015).

From Video The passion for early childhood (Laureate Education Inc, 2010)
Louise Derman-Sparks: Professor Emeritus Pacific Oaks College, Ca.

“The passion to create a safer more just world for all kids is there, and I suppose it will be till I die – and maybe even after I go (Louise Derman-Sparks).

Center for the Study of Child Care Employment.  (2015). “About us” Retrieved from

Laureate Education, Inc. (2010). Video: The passion for early childhood. Baltimore: Author.

Laureate Media.  (n.d.). Multimedia Program: "Sectors of the early childhood field." Retrieved from 6005/04/mm/Sectors/Main.html

Perkins-Gough, D. (2007). Giving intervention a head start: A conversation with Edward
Zigler. Educational Leadership, 65(2), 8-14.

            U.S. Department of Education. (2010). Marcy Whitebook, Ph.D. Retrieved from   


  1. Shelia, I admire the quote you chose on Dr. Edward Zigler, shows the upmost of motivation and informs individuals to always give their best through whatever, despite the difficulties. this was pretty inspirational for me as of right now, because oftentimes I become overwhelmed with the many responsibilities I'm given, but I always have to think to myself the reward that comes afterwards. perseverance at its best!!

  2. I understand where you are coming from. Sometimes we all feel overwhelmed. Working with young children is very challenging. But at the end of the day or week, it is also very rewarding to know that you played a role in a child's success or made a difference in their life.

  3. I really enjoyed your wisdom and motivation article/quote and etc. and I really understood it and good job

    1. I enjoy your words of wisdom especially one about " no single ingredients preparation etc" I had to reflect on it takes more and more to accomplish where we are going in life.
