Sunday, June 19, 2016

When I Think of Research...

I have learned the importance of research to the field of early childhood education. Through investigation we can answer important questions related to who, how, why, and what. Probably the most beneficial insights gained are how to read research articles, the various research terminology definitions, and the differences in research designs. I am convinced this will prove very useful in future courses and in my career.
I still find that a great deal of work goes into designing research. As I progressed through the course and learning the various aspects of the process using the charts, I don't feel as overwhelmed completing the final project. . Designing and conducting research requires a great deal of careful planning; is time consuming, and can be overwhelming at times, however much knowledge is gained. Managing my time and choosing the design for the final project proved to be the most challenging. The most helpful part of this course that helped me deal with these challenges was insight and feedback from Dr. Dartt as well as support from colleagues and the charts. I have a new found respect for those in the field committed to the arena of early childhood research. I have come to realize that everything we know about children, how they grow and learn, and what we do in the classroom to encourage their healthy development and learning is based on research. Our work and the field depends on it.
We are coming to the end of our journey through this research course. Much learning has taken place and we did it together. Best wishes!